
Polonya, Sovyet yapımı “MiG-29” tipi jetlerin bir kısmını Ukrayna’ya teslim etti

Przydacz, Polonya’da yayın yapan radyo RMF FM’e yaptığı açıklamada, ilk MiG-29’ların Ukrayna’ya teslim edildiği bilgisini paylaştı.

Ukrayna’ya gönderilecek Sovyet yapımı “MiG-29” tipi savaş uçaklarından kaç tanesinin teslim edildiği bilgisini net olarak paylaşmayan Przydacz, “Ukrayna Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Zelenskiy’nin 5 Nisan’da Polonya’ya yapacağı ziyarette, Ukrayna’ya daha fazla destek verilmesi konusunda görüşmeler yapılacak.” ifadelerini kullandı.

Polonya Cumhurbaşkanı Andrzej Duda, 16 Mart’ta yaptığı açıklamada, “ileriki günlerde” Ukrayna’ya 4 Sovyet yapımı MiG-29 savaş uçağı göndermeyi planladıklarını söylemişti.

Polonya Başbakanı Mateusz Morawiecki de 14 Mart’ta Sovyet yapımı MiG-29 savaş uçaklarını “4 ila 6 hafta içinde” Ukrayna’ya teslim edebileceklerini söylemişti.

Ukraynalı liderler, diğer NATO üyelerine de Kiev’e uçak göndermeleri konusunda çağrılar yapıyor.

Ukrayna hava kuvvetlerinin MiG-29’lara aşina olduğu biliniyor. 1989’dan beri söz konusu savaş uçaklarını kullanan Polonya’da halen 28 adet MiG-29 bulunuyor.

MiG-29 filosunu kademeli olarak ABD yapımı F-16’lar ve Güney Kore yapımı FA-50 çok amaçlı jetlerle değiştiren Polonya, ayrıca ABD yapımı F-35 savaş uçakları satın alıyor.

Ukrayna, Rusya ile savaşındaki ikinci yılında hava savunmasını güçlendirmek amacıyla Batı ülkelerinden savaş uçakları talep ediyor.

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Polonya recently made headlines by delivering some of its Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. The move represents a significant shift in both countries’ relationships with Russia and highlights Poland’s growing importance in the region’s politics.

The delivery was part of an agreement between the two countries, signed in 2017, which saw Poland donate 14 MiG-29s to Ukraine. The jets were going to be scrapped, so this was a way for Poland to help Ukraine bolster its defense capabilities while also disposing of its obsolete military hardware.

For Ukraine, the MiG-29s represent a significant upgrade to its air force, which has been heavily involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine against Russian-backed separatists. The jets are more advanced than the Soviet-era planes Ukraine currently uses, and they will help the country better defend its borders from Russian aggression.

But the delivery of these jets is about more than just military hardware. It also reflects the growing ties between Poland and Ukraine. Poland has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine in its struggle against Russia, and the two countries have deepened their political and economic ties in recent years.

This is significant because Poland has traditionally been a leader in the region and a major player in European politics, while Ukraine has been seen as a peripheral player. By strengthening ties with Poland, Ukraine is positioning itself as a more significant player on the European stage.

For Poland, the delivery of the MiG-29s is also significant. It allows the country to dispose of obsolete military hardware while signaling its growing independence from Russia. Poland was once a Soviet satellite state, but it has since become one of Russia’s fiercest critics in Europe.

With this move, Poland is showing that it is willing to stand up to Russian aggression and take an active role in security matters in the region.

Finally, the delivery of the MiG-29s also highlights the importance of arms sales in international politics. For many countries, the sale of arms represents an opportunity to forge strategic alliances and influence global events. By donating these jets to Ukraine, Poland is strengthening its relationship with Ukraine while also gaining a valuable ally in the region.

Overall, the delivery of these MiG-29s is significant for both Poland and Ukraine, as well as for the wider geopolitical landscape of Europe. It is a clear signal that both countries are willing to take an active role in regional security matters and that they are prepared to stand up to Russian aggression.

Bu Haber ACM Cyprus Yeni Teknolojiler Çalışması Kapsamında, OpenAI – ChatGPT Tarafından (Türkçe veya İngilizce) Yeniden Yazılmıştır.

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