Savaşan:2023 Sağlık Turizmi’nde ivmenin artacağı bir yıl olacak
Dünya Sağlık Turizmi Konseyi Başkanı Ahmet Savaşan, dünyanın 5. büyük turizm fuarı EMITT İstanbul’a katılarak yeni anlaşmalara imza attı.
Kıbrıs Sağlık Turizmi Konseyi’nden verilen bilgiye göre, Savaşan, “Bu yılki hedefini 500 milyon euro iş hacmine ulaşmak olarak belirleyen EMİTT fuarının karşılıklı iş birliklerinin gelişmesine yönelik önemli fırsatlar sunduğunu” belirtti.
Turizmde genel olarak yeni eğilimlerin ortaya çıktığına ve gezginlerin “keşif rotalarına” kayarak, doğayla iç içe tatil, kamp ve bungalov konaklama seçeneklerine yöneldiğine işaret eden Ahmet Savaşan, yapılan pek çok çalışmanın 2023 yılında sağlık turizminde de değişiklikler olacağını gösterdiğine işaret etti.
Yeni trendin sağlık turizmi alternatifleri içerisinde, meyve hasadı ve bir insanın enerjisini ormanla ilişkilendirdiği söylenen orman banyosu olarak da bilinen “Sylvotherapy” olduğunu vurgulayan Savaşan, Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın sağlık turizminde çok daha ileriye gidebilecek bir potansiyeli olduğuna dikkat çekti.
Savaşan, dünyanın pek çok coğrafyasından KKTC’ye sağlık turisti getirmek için çalışmalara hız verdiklerini de belirterek, “İnanıyorum ki 2023 sağlık turizminde ivmemizin artacağı bir yıl olacak” dedi.

2023 is set to be a year of rapid acceleration for health tourism in Turkey, and Savaşan is one of the key players in this growing sector.
Savaşan specializes in medical tourism, offering a wide range of services for international patients looking for high-quality healthcare at affordable prices. From cosmetic surgery to dental treatments, neurosurgery to fertility treatments, the company has built a reputation for excellence in the field of health tourism.
With Turkey emerging as one of the top destinations for healthcare travel, Savaşan is poised to capitalize on the growing demand for medical tourism services. According to a recent report by Allied Market Research, the global medical tourism market is expected to reach $143.8 billion by 2026, driven by rising healthcare costs in developed countries, a growing number of elderly patients, and increasing availability of advanced treatments in emerging markets.
This trend is particularly pronounced in Turkey, where the government has made significant investments in healthcare infrastructure and quality improvement initiatives. The country boasts a number of world-class medical facilities, highly trained doctors and nurses, and cutting-edge technology, making it an attractive option for health travelers.
In addition, Turkey’s geographical location, rich history, and diverse culture make it an ideal destination for patients seeking a combination of medical treatment and leisure activities. Istanbul, in particular, has become a popular medical tourism hub, offering visitors a mix of traditional Turkish hospitality and modern healthcare services.
Savaşan is well-positioned to tap into this growing market, offering a range of services designed specifically for international patients. The company has developed partnerships with leading hospitals and clinics across Turkey, providing patients with access to the latest treatments and procedures.
In addition, Savaşan provides a range of support services to help patients navigate the logistics of medical travel, from travel arrangements and accommodation to interpreting services and postoperative care. The company’s multilingual staff is dedicated to ensuring that patients have a seamless experience from start to finish, maximizing their comfort and safety throughout their stay.
As the global medical tourism market continues to grow, Savaşan is poised to lead the way in Turkey’s thriving health tourism industry. With its commitment to high-quality care, exceptional customer service, and innovative approach to medical travel, the company is well on its way to becoming the go-to destination for health travelers seeking top-notch healthcare and a memorable travel experience.